Thursday, October 25, 2012

LinkedIn 101 Enlightenment by HR and Social Media Expert Susan Kubiak

Ever wonder how top-notch recruiters use LinkedIn to find ideal candidates? Well today, at Second Baptist Church in Houston, an auditorium full of job seekers gathered for Career Connections' second annual LinkedIn 101 training to become enlightened. Career Connections, a job ministry of Second Baptist Church, conducts job training seminars for Houstonians throughout the year.
Susan Kubiak, MBA and Marvin Martin, SPHR enlightening job seekers

Susan Kubiak of Performance Search Group, a division of Career Partners International, led the training with LinkedIn's history, growth, and facts. Kubiak is an expert in the field of social media and has also taught LinkedIn recruitment tips to HR professionals at other organizations.

Kubiak shared profile optimization tips from recruiters' eyes. She stressed the importance of placing key words in the "Summary" and "Specialties" sections, so recruiters can find candidates with those particular skills when they use the "Advanced Search" feature in LinkedIn. She also covered the value of joining LinkedIn groups to network and see the "Job Discussions" tab.

Texas HR Pro's Houston leader, Marvin Martin, was instrumental in setting up and cross marketing the event across several LinkedIn Groups. Martin invited Texas HR Pros' class for professionals in transition, the Career Connections' members, and other job ministries to the event. Martin also has a recruitment background and is an industrious social media user.

LinkedIn 201 Training at Woodway Village at Second Baptist
Kubiak's next training will be LinkedIn 201 on Thursday, November 1, from 1:30 PM to 3:30 PM, at Second Baptist Church. This class is also a complimentary training, and there is no need to register.

We thank Kubiak and Martin for their volunteerism in guiding Houstonians to thrive and find their future jobs.

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