Friday, May 31, 2013

Summer 2013 Edition

Calling all HR professionals!

Austin, Dallas, and Houston are seeking...
  • Event volunteers,
  • Meeting volunteers,
  • Meeting leaders,
  • Training leaders, 
  • Social Media Managers,
  • Marketing volunteers, and a
  • Volunteership drive team.
Please contact the founder Eric Griesel and share how you would like to help.


Effective June 1, Eric Griesel's weekly Strategic Job Search Program moved from Second Baptist Church.  

The program has moved to a new location to be announced later on the LinkedIn Group by Eric Griesel.  Please join Texas HR Pros' Professionals In-Transition Group on LinkedIn to find out where the new location will be and for the new days/times. 
Many thanks to Second Baptist Church for hosting the program for 2.5 years!

Thank you for your patience.

Liz, an attorney and HR executive will be a moderator at this year's 26th Annual South Texas College of Law Employment Conference in Houston on July 25-26. 
Liz is also the founder of HR Virtuoso, a revolutionary product for HR departments and businesses. 
The conference fee is $300-$325 for HR professionals. 


Can you spot HR at the beach?  Our next mixer will be at Sam’s Boat on July 25, 2013. 

Special thanks to our dedicated sponsor Kathleen Ater Personnel.

Employers: Participate in a Job Fair in Sugar Land on June 21

Community Job Fair
Friendship Community Bible Church
420 Wood St., Sugar Land, TX
Friday, June 21
10 AM to 1 PM

Local employers will meet and interview job seekers for all types of positions. 

Participating employers will seek to fill positions ranging from entry-level to management across a variety of industries such as skilled and unskilled trades, education, nutrition, customer service, hospitality, sales, transportation, security, and more.

The hiring event is part of the “It’s A Family Affair” Mega Conference and Job Fair being sponsored by the church where the focus will be centered exclusively around the family.

Employers may contact Ruby Glass at to RSVP or get more booth information.

If you are interested in volunteering to assist at the job fair, please contact Ruby as well!

Thursday, May 30, 2013

Texas Recruiters Association Luncheon

LinkedIn Groups

  • Group: Texas Recruiters Association
  • Subject: Announcement from Texas Recruiters Association
TRA LinkedIn...our next event is just a couple of weeks away! Join us at McCormick and Schmick’s in the Domain to hear from our next great speaker, Mick Normington and his topic:

“Working Texas Style: A Look At The Central Texas Regional Jobs Market or Do You Have The Skills To Pay The Bills”

Mick is a Business Specialist with the Texas Workforce Commission and works in the labor market and career information department. He will be speaking to us about the Central Texas Job Market. Don’t miss it!

Date: June 18th, 2013
Time: 11:30 AM – 1 PM
Location: McCormick and Schmick’s at the Domain
Register at:

The price of the luncheon is $25.00. Payments can be made the day of the event. We’ll accept cash, checks and now credit cards for $1.00 administrative fee. Please make checks payable to "Texas Recruiters Association".

We'll see you there!

Posted By C. Michele Robinson Gregory, SPHR

Wednesday, May 29, 2013

ASTD Houston Technology Conference 2013

ASTD Houston Banner

ASTD Houston Technology Conference 2013
Technology in Action
Keynote Speaker: RJ Jacquez, Mobile Learning Analyst and Consultant
Early Bird Registration:
Register by Friday, June 14 for a Discounted Rate and a Chance to Win a Kindle Fire

Date:Tuesday, June 25, 2013
Time:8:30am - 4:30pm
Location: University of Houston-Downtown, One Main Street, One Main Building, Academic Foyer Area on 3rd floor, Houston, TX 77002
Speaker: RJ Jacquez, Mobile Learning Analyst and Consultant
Pricing* (Before June 14): ASTD Houston Members - $99 Non-Members - $129 Student Members - $79 Student Non-Members - $119 Conference Volunteer - $69 Breakout Speaker - $69

Tuesday, May 28, 2013

ACA Webinar on Demand by the Bailey Group

The Bailey Group Logo
Thanks for joining Carly and I on Friday for our webinar focused on Health Care Reform. We hope you gained some valuable knowledge and are now better prepared to handle The Affordable Care Act (ACA) and it's many complex requirements for employers and health plans. You can view the slides and the recording at anytime using the link below:

Health Care Reform Update for HR Professionals in Transition - May 24th, 2013

>> View the slides and recording here.

Have a question after watching the webinar? Just simply hit "reply" to this email and I'll get back to you as soon as I can.
Best of luck in your search for a new role.
– Jordan
Jordan Prosceno
Account Executive
The Bailey Group

Sunday, May 26, 2013

Special Thanks to Guest Speaker Ruby Glass

Texas HR Pros' training program attendees on May 23, 2013
On Thursday, May 23, Ruby Glass of Near Northwest Management District was a guest speaker at Houston's Job Search Strategy Program at Second Baptist Church.

We invited Glass, because the Near Northwest Management District recently awarded Texas HR Pros with a Community Service Award for volunteering and speaking at their annual job fair also benefiting WorkFaith Connection. Marvin Martin of Texas HR Pros and Second Baptist Church's Career Connections is a strong supporter of WorkFaith Connection and encourages HR professionals to volunteer for them and perform mock interviews.

Glass gave her MBA and commerce experience advice for job seekers, which was well-received because her organization represents 300+ businesses in Houston.  She also made a compelling speech at the end of the class about working with ethical and Christian principles, and she had a fan club approach her after the meeting.

During her free time, Glass is a minister and instructor for New Harvest Christian Church.  She teaches Christian business owners who desire to apply Kingdom Principles to starting and running a business. She has an upcoming business series beginning on Saturday, July 6, at New Harvest Christian ChurchFor more information and registration, see or email

Friday, May 24, 2013

Summer is here, Volunteer!

Calling all HR professionals!

Austin, Dallas, and Houston are seeking...
  • event volunteers,
  • meeting volunteers,
  • meeting leaders,
  • training leaders, 
  • social media volunteers,
  • marketing volunteers, and a
  • volunteership drive team.
Please contact the founder Eric Griesel and share how you would like to help.

Thursday, May 23, 2013

Shared Content from the ASTD 2013 International Conference & Exposition

American Society Training Development (ASTD)
International Conference & Exposition 2013

Miss the conference in Dallas this week?  Here is the Backchannel...
ASTD 2013 banner

With hundreds of sessions and thousands of attendees, there is a lot to see, and learn, and experience at ASTD’s premier industry event. We are capturing shared resources from our social media channels. Check back throughout the conference for new resources. We’ll update this backchannel daily.

Conference Resources

Official Conference Website
Conference Daily
Session Search
Attendee Information
Session Evaluations
#ASTD2013 on Twitter

Sir Ken Robinson
Sir Ken Robinson on AmazonSir Ken Robinson on TEDCammy Bean's notes on Sir Ken Robinson's Opening Keynote
Dan Steer's notes on Sir Ken Robinson's Opening Keynote
Cammy Bean's notes on Tony Bingham's Opening Keynote
RSA Animate - Changing Education Paradigms
Making Education Brain Science
Why We Need to Reform Education Now
The Blue School
Feel the Fear...and Do It Anyway
The Empty Space

John Seely Brown

John Seely Brown on Amazon
Cammy Bean's notes on John Seely Brown's Keynote
Big Think: John Seely Brown
The Best Way to Measure Company Performance
Why We Need Big Organizations
Homo Ludens: A Study of the Play-Element in Culture
Does the Experience Curve Matter Today?
John Seely Brown: Blended Epistemology

Liz Wiseman

Liz Wiseman on Amazon
The Wiseman Group

Shared Content

Few Executives Are Self-Aware, But Women Have the Edge
Twitter Dictionary
HBR: Your Assumptions About Cultural Adaptation Are Probably Wrong
Karl Kapp: Gamification Session Resources
The Face of the Future Workforce
Jane Bozarth's Library tagged ASTD13
Millennials: The Me Me Me Generation
Jane Bozarth: The usefulness of Wenger's framework in understanding a community of practice
UNC Kenan-Flagler Business School Study Reveals High-Potential Talent Gap
Ode to Mobile Performance Support
David Rock: The Aha Moment
Nuts and Bolts: Assessing the Value of Online Interactions
Tony Schwartz: Faced With Overload, a Need to Find Focus
Experience, the API
David Kelly's ASTD ICE 2013 Backchannel
David Kelly on Curation and Learning
Jane McGonigal: The game that can give you 10 extra years of life
Beware Online "Filter Bubbles"
Power Searching with Google
From Now To How: Social, Virtual and Cross Generational Leadership
Network the Hell Out of People: 6 Expert Tips
How Damaging is a Bad Boss, Exactly?
Creating Tomorrow's Government Leaders
Gamification Myths: The Difference Between Game Design and Gamification
Your Guide to Navigating Mobile Learning at ASTD 2013
11 Questions for ASTD2013 Sunday Sessions

Shared Tools

Most Complete Twitter Application ListGame Creation Wizard Free Trial
Google Course Builder
Float Mobile Learning’s Suite of Mobile Learning Apps Free During ASTD 2013 Conference
Tin Can API
SMART Goals Worksheet

Exhibitor Resources

Upside Learning: Why Mobile Learning is the Future of Workplace Learning
The Knowlege Guru: Getting the Facts on Game Based Learning
Upside Learning: 15 Authoring Tools for mEnabling Your eLearning for iPads
Intrepid Learning: Gauge Your Learning Organization's Effectiveness

ASTD Resources

ISD Network
Resources for ASTD Chapter Leaders
Competency Model

New ASTD Press Books

Measuring the Success of Organization Development by Jack and Patti Phillips
Managing Incompetence by Gabriel Ginebra
Technology Change Book by Tricia Emerson and Mary Stewart
SMEs From the Ground Up by Chuck Hodell
Survey Basics by Phillips
Rapid Retooling by Lawrence Polsky and Antoine Gerschel

Wednesday, May 22, 2013

UH Hosting Managing Change and Learning within the Energy Sector Panel on May 29

Brown Bag Lunch Series

11:00 AM to 1:00 PM - May 29

Brazos Hall, Room 103B, University of Houston - Sugar Land Campus

Managing Change and Learning within the Energy Sector

Lunch provided by Wood Group, ODL (Training, Competence & Assessment)

The Challenge

What are the issues of change, learning, and performance as they relate to your work? How do those issues impact your strategy, approach, and solution? How do you approach problem analysis? How to do you know that it is more than a knowledge and skill problem? What are your questions? How do we create strategy, behavior and value for managing change and learning? What are our lenses?

The Opportunity

A free, brown bag discussion will engage the experience of industry and academic professionals on the strategic integration of change, learning, and performance. Please come prepared to share your experience, ask questions, and extend your learning.


  • Brent Powell Ph.D., Head of Learning, Americas, Aggreko
  • Patrick Schiele, General Manager, Global Services, Measurement & Control, GE Oil & Gas
  • Jason Ramos, Global Technical Training Manager, Wood Group GTS, Oil, Gas & Industrial Services
  • Jim Molloy, Training, Competence, & Assessment Manager, Wood Group, ODL
  • Jorge Leuro, Global Competency and Employee Development Manager, Halliburton
For more information, visit

Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Veteran Job Ministry Job Fair on Friday- Employers Free

Memorial Day Job Fair
Church Without Walls
5725 Queenston Blvd
Houston, TX 77084

The Church Without Walls Armed Forces Ministry is committed to addressing the needs of veterans and proud residents of the City of Houston who face the challenge of unemployment. You are invited to join our efforts by attending the Memorial Day Weekend Job Fair on Friday, May 24, 2013.
Our primary purpose is to assist veterans and provide encouragement and support in their effort to find employment and restart their lives. We are searching for companies that are willing to participate by interviewing for jobs and/or provide promotional items and/or refreshments. The theme for this day is "Honoring Our Heroes."
We invite you and your organization to participate in this momentous event for veterans and our community. We look forward to hearing from you and thank you in advance for your support.

10:00 AM – 3:00 PM
Vendors Set Up @ 8:00 AM
Attendees: 10:00 AM – 3:00 PM
Admission is FREE!
Vendors interested in participating can register online .
You may also contact Michael Criddell at or by calling 281-649-6791.
If you are a Veteran seeking employment, please bring a copy of your DD214 to help facilitate your employment process. Likewise, if you are a non-Veteran seeking employment, please bring a resume.

Monday, May 20, 2013

Video Stars Wanted for Small Business Webinars

Calling All Trainers and Subject Matter Experts

Bizperity is producing small business webinars and providing COMPLIMENTARY professional video production for a webinar library for pilot program for a local chamber of commerce and later distribute to regional non-profit business organizations.

They are looking for experienced professional speakers and trainers with credentials to deliver original training content that is useful to business owners of start-ups to medium-sized businesses.

Would you like to be considered?

Bruce May, the president of Bizperity, would like speakers to email him their resume and professional training experience along with three business topics they would like to deliver.  May will also be pre-screening, approving, and consulting speakers.

Contact him right away at:
About Bizperity
President Bruce May has more than 30 years of business experience, as a consultant, a business executive, and entrepreneur. His career includes over 20 years of experience in both traditional and interactive media. His broad background includes expertise in many disciplines that impact business management including business development, marketing and sales, training and development, partnership development, and systems management. He is a recognized expert in business systems, performance excellence, marketing & sales, social marketing, and digital media solutions.

From 2003 to 2008, Bruce worked with a pioneering online broadcast platform creating customized solutions for multiple markets including television, radio, film distribution, corporate communications, distance learning, and emergency communications. Bruce worked with many clients and partners that included a custom distribution system for EROS, the largest "Bollywood" film company; live broadcasting for the Indy Racing League delivering the Indy 500 to over 88 countries; live broadcasting of Aviation Nation, the largest Air Show in the world (produced in association with the U.S. Air Force); a customized player design for Autism Speaks; integrated video services for satellite based emergency communication systems; and online broadcasting services for the Missouri School Board Association among many others.

In 2012, Bruce founded Bizperity which has quickly evolved into a media and marketing company providing content production services with a special focus on online media services and solutions. In 2013 he transitioned Bizperity by building the management team featured below in order to form a comprehensive service company blending the wide range of expertise needed to fulfill the vision for Bizperity as both an online media service provider and content production company with blended expertise in video and interactive production.

Bruce has written many books on business practices including Marketing Fundamentals (2008), The Eighth Criteria: Market Focus (2010), The Content Graph (2012), covering social marketing theory and strategies, Building a Performance Improvement System (2008) (co-authored with Richard Laramy, a Baldrige examiner and advisory board member to the University of Texas Center for Performance Excellence). His two most recent books are The Bizperity Business System Guidebook, an easy to follow guide for building a business system and The Bizperity Marketing and Sales Guide, a comprehensive guide for building an integrated marketing system.

Bruce has spoken at many industry events, both as a panelist and as a presenter and continues to write, currently working on his next book.

Linkedin Profile
The Expert Knowledge Network Profile

Follow Bruce's Blog on the Expert Knowledge Network.See Bruce's Books.

Saturday, May 18, 2013

In-Transition Meetings Moving to New Location on June 1, 2013

Our in-transition meetings will be moving to a new location effective June 1, 2013. We are currently reviewing new site options across Houston and will be making a decision within a couple of weeks regarding our new location, meeting dates, and times.

We will be posting our new location on LinkedIn, posting it here on our blog, and emailing our current weekly email group.  Stay tuned for more details.

We will be meeting this Thursday, May 24, and on Thursday, May 30, as usual at our current location. We look forward to seeing you there and at the networking mixer being held on May 30th at Sam's Place on Richmond Avenue.
With much gratitude and respect, we would like to take this opportunity to thank Second Baptist Church for creating the room to accommodate us for 2.5 years. They have been outstanding in collaborating with us on several projects to serve Greater Houston. Second Baptist Church has a wonderful job ministry, Career Connections, and we suggest that you continue to check out the seminars, meetings, and trainings that they offer.
I would also like to especially thank Texas HR Pros' Houston leader, Marvin Martin, for his years of dedication and his connection with Second Baptist Church. He will continue to be our Houston leader and volunteer during the evenings and weekends.
We are meeting with a handful of churches that would like to enhance their job ministry program with our Job Search Strategy Program.  Please feel free to contact Eric directly at if you would like to arrange for your church to meet with him regarding the program.


Friday, May 17, 2013 Earn All of Your Re-Certification Credits in One Place

Earn all your re-certification credits in one place!
As a pre-approved provider for HRCI, provides our members with the opportunity to earn ALL of their PHR, SPHR and GPHR re-certification credits.

Take a look at what membership is right for you.

It’s so easy to earn those credits… attend a webcast from the comfort of your desktop or view the many webcasts already recorded in our archives.

Visit the links below to register for upcoming Virtual Events and start earning credits!

May 21 & 22, 2013 – Legal and Compliance: Managing Employer Risk #IHRlegal

May 22 & 23, 2013 – HR Information Systems #IHRhris

May 30 & 31, 2013 – Workforce Planning and Analytics #IHRwpa

June 6 & 7, 2013 – Compensation Best Practices and Trends #IHRcomp

June 11 & 12, 2013 – Health & Safety #IHRhealth

June 13 & 14, 2013 – Social Media & Employee Communications #IHRsocial

June 17 & 18, 2013 – Workforce Management: Time and Attendance #IHRwfm

June 19 & 20, 2013 – Integrated Talent Management #IHRitm

See what’s coming up next….

Hope to see you at an Event! #webinar

Wednesday, May 15, 2013

SHRM Discount and Offer

Get 20 HR Certification Institute Recert Credits from SHRM Webcasts - Free with Membership
Join SHRM in May: Save on Dues and Receive a Tote Bag
Plus View Weekly Webcasts and Earn Up to 20 Recert Credits
HR Certification Institute Recert Credits
  • Building Your Talent Pools with Today's Tech-Savvy Workforce (May 22)
    Explore how to implement a proactive hiring strategy despite the skills gap, create effective candidate communication and harness the power of social media.
  • Creating Financial Wellness in Your Organization (May 23)Discuss how to provide a competitive approach to benefits, create stronger financial security for employees, and help organizations attract top talent.
(Schedule conflict? All programs are available archived too!)
  • Using Recognition to Drive Employee Engagement
  • The New Form I-9: What's Changed and How It Affects You
  • EEOC and Workplace Harassment
Become a SHRM member today.
Use promo code M135 to get the discounted rate of $170 and receive a tote bag.

And start accessing everything SHRM has to offer — Knowledge Advisors' help, best practices, compliance alerts, HR news and much more.

Chantal Rotondo
SHRM Membership Marketing Manager

Follow Us: Facebook LinkedIn Twitter
* The special membership offer is available online only. It is also not valid for student membership. Tote bags will be mailed in June.
Please note that registration for webcasts is separate from membership application. When your membership becomes active, please visit to sign up for the programs you are interested in.

Monday, May 13, 2013

Volunteers for Job Fair in the Woodlands on May 23

It's that time of year again, and we are holding our Fourth Annual Career Fair on Thursday, May 23, 2013. We are in need of volunteers to help with greeting and directing job seekers, assisting employers and serving water and snacks. We have over 60 employers who have signed up this year and expect over 1000 job seekers to attend. We need a minimum of 30 volunteers to help at the Career Fair! 

Woodlands Church Career Fair

Thursday, May 23, 2013
10:00am - 3:00pm

Woodlands Church- Fellowship Campus
One Fellowship Drive
The Woodlands, Texas 

If you are available to assist again with volunteering your time, we'd love to have you. Please email with your interest, and she will follow up with an email to you with further information. 
Thank you!

Saturday, May 11, 2013

HR Roundtable on Tuesday, May 14

LinkedIn Groups

  • Group: HR Roundtable Network
  • Subject: RSVP's needed for next week's Roundtable Network meeting in Houston: “All Stressed Up & Nowhere To Go!” presented by Bill Crawford, Ph.D.
If you plan to attend the meeting on Tuesday, May 14, please send an email to and include both your name and your email address in the body of the email, so it can be easily copied to the attendee list.

9:00 - 9:30 am coffee & networking
9:30 - 11:00 am presentation

LOCATION: 9th floor conference room at UBS Financial Services in the Galleria Financial Center, 5065 Westheimer, Houston, TX 77056. The meeting space is generously provided by Lori Siegel, VP Investments. (Note this is inside the Galleria, and the Financial Center is near the center court of the mall.)

TOPIC: “All Stressed Up & Nowhere To Go!” presented by Bill Crawford, Ph.D.

Everyone has heard the statistics . . .75% of professionals describe their lives as “very stressful” and with the pace of change and increased demands on our time, chances are good that it’s just going to get worse! Plus, even though everyone is experiencing more stress than ever, they are also tired of traditional “stress management” and people giving them simplistic answers to life’s complex problems.

In this presentation, psychologist Dr.Bill Crawford addresses this problem by first explaining why this level of stress and frustration is so prevalent, and why so much of the advice about how to deal with these problems will never work! Then, using a conversational style that is free of psychobabble, he uses the latest research on the brain to outline a comprehensive system for dealing with stress and accessing the clarity, confidence, and creativity necessary for success in today’s world.

In addition to holding a doctorate in Psychology from the University of Houston, Dr. Crawford is a licensed psychologist, author of four books, organizational consultant, and life coach. Over the last 26 years he has created over 3300 presentations for such organizations as Sprint, Shell, The American Medical Association, PBS, and many other organizations and professional associations nationwide. He has a unique perspective on life that he shares with such humor and energy, he is constantly referred to as the "Steve Martin" of corporate America. In addition, his two PBS specials have been seen by over 15 million people and he has been quoted as an expert in such diverse publications as The New York Times, Entrepreneur, Investor's Business Daily, The Chicago Tribune, Self Magazine, The Dallas Morning News, and Working Mother just to name a few.

Bill Crawford, Ph.D.
Crawford Performance Solutions
Website -

This event is open to the public, and there is a $10 cover charge to attend. Active LHH candidates should also register via their LHH CRN and identify themselves at the door to avoid the cover charge.

We look forward to seeing you soon!
Posted By Lynda Doty

Friday, May 10, 2013

Affordable Care Act Update: What Employers Must Provide on October 1, 2013

DOL Issues Model Exchange Notice and Sets Compliance Deadline
Beginning Jan. 1, 2014, individuals and employees of small businesses will have access to insurance coverage through the Affordable Care Act’s (ACA) health insurance exchanges (Exchanges). Open enrollment under the Exchanges will begin on Oct. 1, 2013. ACA requires employers to provide all new hires and current employees with a written notice about ACA’s Exchanges. This requirement is found in Section 18B of the Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA).

On May 8, 2013, the Department of Labor (DOL) released Technical Release 2013-02 to provide temporary guidance on the Exchange notice requirement. This temporary guidance will remain in effect until the DOL issues regulations or other guidance. According to the DOL, future regulations or other guidance will provide employers with adequate time to comply with any additional or modified requirements.
In connection with the temporary guidance, the DOL announced the availability of model Exchange notices for employers to use to satisfy the Exchange notice requirement. The DOL also set a compliance deadline for the Exchange notices. Employers must provide employees with an Exchange notice by Oct. 1, 2013.

In addition, the DOL’s temporary guidance includes a new COBRA model election notice, which has been updated to include information regarding health coverage alternatives offered through the Exchanges.


Affected Employers
ACA’s Exchange notice requirement applies to employers that are subject to the FLSA. In general, the FLSA applies to employers that employ one or more employees who are engaged in, or produce goods for, interstate commerce. In most instances, a business must have at least $500,000 in annual dollar volume of sales or receipts to be covered by the FLSA.
The FLSA also specifically covers the following entities: hospitals; institutions primarily engaged in the care of the sick, the aged, mentally ill, or disabled who reside on the premises; schools for children who are mentally or physically disabled or gifted; preschools, elementary and secondary schools, and institutions of higher education; and federal, state and local government agencies.
The DOL’s Wage and Hour Division provides guidance relating to the applicability of the FLSA in general, including a compliance assistance tool to determine applicability of the FLSA.
Required Content
In general, the Exchange notice must:
· Inform employees about the existence of the Exchange and describe the services provided by the Exchange and the manner in which the employee may contact the Marketplace to request assistance;
· Explain how employees may be eligible for a premium tax credit or a cost-sharing reduction if the employer's plan does not meet certain requirements;
· Inform employees that if they purchase coverage through the Exchange, they may lose any employer contribution toward the cost of employer-provided coverage, and that all or a portion of this employer contribution may be excludable for federal income tax purposes; and
· Include contact information for the Exchange and an explanation of appeal rights.
Model Notices
The DOL provided the following model Exchange notices:
· A model Exchange notice for employers who do not offer a health plan; and
· A model Exchange notice for employers who offer a health plan to some or all employees.
Employers may use one of these models, as applicable, or a modified version, provided the notice meets the content requirements described above.
Providing the Notice
Who Must Receive a Notice?
Employers must provide the Exchange notice to each employee, regardless of plan enrollment status or of part-time or full-time status. Employers are not required to provide a separate notice to dependents or other individuals who are or may become eligible for coverage under the plan but who are not employees.
What Is the Deadline for Providing the Notice?
ACA required employers to provide the Exchange notice by March 1, 2013. However, on Jan. 24, 2013, the DOL announced that employers would not be held to the March 1, 2013, deadline and that employers would not have to comply with the Exchange notice requirement until more guidance was issued.
The DOL’s temporary guidance sets a compliance deadline for providing the Exchange notices that matches up with the start of the first open enrollment period under the Exchanges.
Employers must provide the Exchange notice to both new hires and current employees as follows:
· New HiresEmployers must provide the notice to each new employee at the time of hiring beginning Oct. 1, 2013. For 2014, the DOL will consider a notice to be provided at the time of hiring if the notice is provided within14 days of an employee’s start date.
· Current Employees With respect to employees who are current employees before Oct. 1, 2013, employers are required to provide the notice no later than Oct. 1, 2013.
Employers that decide to inform their employees about the Exchanges earlier than the Oct. 1, 2013, deadline are permitted to use the model notices and rely on the DOL’s temporary guidance.
Method of Providing Notice
The notice is required to be provided automatically, free of charge.
The notice must be provided in writing in a manner calculated to be understood by the average employee. It may be provided by first-class mail. Alternatively, it may be provided electronically if the requirements of the DOL’s electronic disclosure safe harbor are met. This safe harbor allows plan administrators to send certain disclosures electronically to:
· Employees with work-related computer access; and
· Other plan participants and beneficiaries who consent to receive disclosures electronically.
The safe harbor does not require the use of any specific form of electronic media. However, plan administrators are required to use measures reasonably calculated to ensureactual receipt of the material by plan participants and beneficiaries. Merely placing a disclosure on a company website available to employees will not by itself satisfy this disclosure requirement.
cobra election notice
Under COBRA, a group health plan must provide qualified beneficiaries with an election notice, which describes their rights to continuation coverage and how to make an election. The election notice must be provided to the qualified beneficiaries within 14 days after the plan administrator receives the notice of a qualifying event. The DOL has a model election notice that plans may use to satisfy the requirement to provide the election notice under COBRA.
According to the DOL, some qualified beneficiaries may want to consider and compare health coverage alternatives to COBRA continuation coverage that are available through the Exchanges. Qualified beneficiaries may also be eligible for a premium tax credit for an Exchange plan.
The DOL updated the model COBRA election notice to help make qualified beneficiaries aware of other coverage options available in the Exchanges. Use of the model election notice, appropriately completed, will be considered by the DOL to be good faith compliance with the election notice content requirements of COBRA.
Source: Department of Labor

Thursday, May 9, 2013

Advanced Investigation Interview Techniques for Phone Interviews

i-Sight is offering a free six-part webinar education series on Advanced Investigation Interview Techniques, taught by Don Rabon, bestselling author, speaker and trainer.
On Tuesday May 14th, from 2 - 3 PM EST, i-Sight is presenting Class 5: Telephone Interviews.
During this webinar you will learn: 
  • How to conduct telephone interviews
  • Key differences between over-the-phone and in-person interviews
  • Special considerations
  • Challenges
  • Recording telephone interviews, disclosure (different laws in different states)
  • Detecting deception over the phone
  • Exercises for developing and improving skills
To register for the webinar, please visit:
I hope you can attend!
Joseph Gerard
VP Sales & Marketing
(O) 613-244-5111 Ext. 231
(M) 613-266-3199

Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Texas HR Pros Volunteer for Near Northwest Management District

Left to right:  Ana, Sandra, Ruby, Lisa, Bonnie, Val
Thanks to our expert volunteers from Texas HR Pros' HR Centric who advised job seekers on resumes and interviewing at a community job fair on May 8. 

We also presented on the blessings of earning certifications during a job search which highlighted our personal collaborations with Six Sigma Management Institute, San Jacinto College, and Lone Star College. 


10:00 AM - 1:00 PM

Monday, May 6, 2013

Uber Networking at the OTC

Several people told us today that they are expecting record attendance on Tuesday.  We caught up with many HR professionals at each of the booths.  Bring plenty of business cards and have a good time networking with people from around the world. 

HOUSTON (KTRK) -- Professionals from all around the globe are flocking to Houston, the energy capital of the world, for the Offshore Technology Conference. More than 2,000 companies from 110 countries and from every energy field you can think of are here to make contacts and share the latest technology in the industry at Reliant Park.  Read more here:

Friday, May 3, 2013

Are you a CPLP?

CPLP logo

The ASTD Certification Institute's Certified Professional in Learning and Performance Certification (CPLP) equips you with the tools to be the best in the field and lets employers know that you have real world, practical expertise that can be readily applied to the current work environment. CPLP gives you the capability, credibility and confidence to be a high performing contributor in your organization. Be one of the best -- become a CPLP! Download the CPLP Candidate brochure to find out more.
Find out which organizations have a strategic advantage -- see a sample of companies who have posted jobs as CPLP Preferred.

Wednesday, May 1, 2013

People on the Move

Promote your employees or yourself on Houston Business Journal's "People on the Move" section.

Form link: